Compare your hummingbird coloring pages to the original photos. Tom creates all of the hummingbird coloring pages on Hummingbird Pictures from our photos. This means we can share the original images with you as reference photos.
Tempe Youth Library “It’s a Wildlife” show
As part of the City of Tempe Galleries art show, “It’s a Wildlife”, we have shared five different coloring pages with the Tempe Youth library. Head over to the Youth Library to get yours! Match your colors to the original photos … or be creative and color them as you wish!
Here are the coloring page reference photos for “It’s a Wildlife” art show:
New! August 2017:

This male Anna’s Hummingbird was feeding from Penstemon flowers next to our driveway. His head and gorget feathers look dark from this angle. If the feathers catch the light right, they will look bright pink (like the hummingbird on the cover of Hover).
Images to match coloring pages, from May 2017 on:

Costa’s Hummingbirds are our small desert hummingbirds. This photo was taken in Superior, Arizona.

If the sun catches a male Black-chinned Hummingbird just right, you can see a bright band of purple in the feathers at the base of his throat. Take a look here!

This Anna’s Hummingbird nest was in Tempe, Arizona. Anna’s Hummingbirds will nest in the city and the wilderness.

This nest was also in Tempe, Arizona. See more hummingbird nests and babies here. More pictures and video of this nest and these hummingbird babies are in our interactive ebook, Hover: Hummingbirds in the United States.
We hope you color the pages as you’d like: either with natural colors or with wildly creative colors. We would love to see what you do with the coloring pages! Send us a message or post to our Coloring Hummingbirds Facebook page.
Want more hummingbird coloring pages? Sign up here:

Photos and coloring pages on here are are available for your personal or educational use (and we love it when you share), but the material is not for commercial use. If you wish to use any material for commercial purposes, please contact us here. All material is copyright protected to Maria Mahar and Thomas Strich. Thank you!