Nesting season begins

This Anna’s Hummingbird male claimed our central Arizona backyard and has been around all winter.
But he was usurped earlier this week … by an Anna’s Hummingbird female.

She arrived in December but began fighting to claim the feeder recently. There are several other Anna’s Hummingbirds, both males and females, regularly visiting.
But she is now the one guarding the feeder.
And she has a reason: she is feeding baby hummingbirds in a nest very high up in our neighbor’s Juniper tree.
Her nest is in the same tree that housed the second nest cam nest in May 2013. And for those who followed that nest cam and the rescue, those baby hummingbirds were successfully raised by WildWing Rehabilitation. The young Anna’s Hummingbirds were released by WildWing near the Desert Botanic Garden in Phoenix in July 2013.
Thank you, WildWing, for your work and care. And thank you, everyone, for your encouragement and interest.
We will be getting back to regular posting, so check back in. Thanks!
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